Saturday, February 26, 2011

The YoniVerse--Part 2

So, if the big yang bang isn't what's really going on, then what is? I am sure many of us have asked the questions "who am I?", "where did I come from?" and "where did the universe come from?", as well as many others. It is very difficult to answer these questions from the androcentric files of information we have all been fed for eons because these files are skewed beyond belief, and, ironically, some skewed beliefs have become facts. I am not sure if anyone really knows for sure that there was one big bang. But many astrophysicists insist on it. Eastern religion speaks of unending cycles of creation and dissolution. If Westsern linear science focuses only on a part of a great cycle of creation it could look like that all of a sudden there was a big something that happened from nothing. However, nothing is not nothing. It is "no thing-ness", which is different than nothing, zip, zilch. From my perspective, this emergence of somethingness is more like a flowering or crystallization of potential. It is not violent and it is not menacing. It is the same process that brings a flower into bloom. Modern astrophysics would have us believe that we live in a violent universe filled with all things in constant cataclysmic crashing and burning as if the universe is at war with itself. The view of the patriarchal mind set (pms, by the way), based on fear, dualism and separation, projects these notions of violent creation onto science as if they are of course normal and correct. These are the same projections that create violence in the everyday experience of life the world over. If we think that the universe in which we live is a violent one, how can our outlook about life possibly be any different?

Thank Goddess, I don't subscribe to a violent universe theory.  I feel the YoniVerse is actually a magical benevolent female beingness. Because we are alive, we must come from a source that is also alive, which is not separate from us. We are Source.  I have recently discovered some other ideas about our origins, some of which have been around for a long time,  that I was never taught, and I am sure most people have not been as well. One view I have found deep resonance with is aether theory, or Akashic theory.  Some meanings of Akasha are "shining", "aether", "space."  As an early hippie back in the day, I learned about the Akashic records from psychedelic excursions into the unknown, where doors of perception opened and my consciosness expanded in ways that I could have never imagined. I delved into studies in Eastern religion as well as shamanism, and I have learned that all roads lead home--and home is the abode of Love. Aether/Akashic theory has come to the same conclusion, and the brilliance of the science is that it intersects  the spiritual and reveals that there is indeed no separation. All is Love. In aether theory, creation is seen as eternal, and non-violent where there is no big bang.  Why is a "theory" such as this one not taught? In the West, it has been around for about 100 years, but for our ancestors, it was understood long before that. Aether is often referred to as the fifth element and is said to emerge from a fourth dimension according to Paul La Violette, author of Genesis of the Cosmos:  
     "La Violette believes that the cosmology of the ancients is a better alternative that does not suffer from the Big Bang’s singularity problems. According to many ancient cosmologies, the universe evolved over billions of years as a result of a continuous process of matter and energy creation from a supposedly fourth dimensional realm, the aether. This creation process has never ceased and still continues today according to La Violette. To sustain his claims, he explains that the universe at heart is not a closed but an open system and is able to receive energy and matter from a fourth dimension without contradicting the laws of thermodynamics. From these observations, Paul La Violette reasoned that the aether may likewise spawn wave patterns from two aether states, two different aetherons, which continuously mutate from one state into the other and visa versa. In normal cases, the aether maintains its equilibrium state due to the second law of thermodynamics, however under critical conditions these aether transmutations... may become self-organising and form stable wave patterns. These wave patterns will become observable in our physical universe as electromagnetic energy, light." (

LaViolette is telling us that we live in an electromagnetic universe that is constantly creating and re-creating itself through restructuring, or de-structuring.  I once had a mentor who told me that electricity is "God in action." I would say "Goddess" in action is a brilliant dance enacted by aether and matter in total oneness and harmony. There is no separation or duality to worry about and mistakenly believe in. 

And, from the same website, "The A-field of torsion waves may be new to science but its existence has been known for thousands of years in the East. The only new thing about it is that it is being rediscovered by western science. Eastern spiritual tradition has named this field the Akasha field. Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning radiating or shining, it’s a synonym for aether. Akasha is the womb of creation bringing forth every physical aspect that can be perceived with the senses according to eastern traditions. In ancient eastern spirituality the history written within the Akasha field are called the Askashic chronicles, the book of life that records everything that has ever happened or will happen in the universe. The Akashic chronicles or Akashic records contain the story of every soul that ever lived on this planet." (ibid)

When I read the reference here to Akasha as "womb", I was blown away. Where do we ever encounter science referring to anything that has to do with creation using this metaphor of pure primal femaleness? It is a far different vision than the one we have been exposed to for too long--that of the massive violent ejaculation whose particles don't result in elegant creation but rather massive collisions and fiery destruction. Womb creation just feels better. And it's smarter. Incredibly smarter.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The YoniVerse--Part 1

I wondered for a long time who it was that decided the beginning of creation came from something called the big bang.  When I learned that patriarchy finds its existence through male domination of everything,  it was no surprise to me that androcentric science came up with the notion of the big bang--an idea perhaps stemming from the same fascination two-year toddler boys have with their private parts. Toddler boys are genuinely curious, whereas a toddler presence in a grown male body is another matter entirely. The two-year old fascination has grown into something far more peculiar and dangerous--a narcissistic, obsessive, entitled god complex assuming that everthing comes from the great ejaculating pillar of all consuming power, even though we all know that life comes into being in the sacred womb of the female and emerges into form through the sacred yonic gateway. The denial necessary to uphold the lie of the cosmic ejaculation has been ruinous for humanity. Had science adopted what our early Paleolithic and Neolithic ancestors knew--that the parthenogenetic Mother/Goddess was the eternal All and that everything came forth from Her and returned to Her, we would all be much better off. The usurpation of sacred female powers can be tracked from one culture to another, with many stories telling how men, out of jealousy, stole women's power to use as their own. The examples of this coup are woven into the fabric of every current belief system patriarchy has man-aged to put forth as truth, bought and sold intergenerationally until we have been so duped that we will defend our dupeness to the death. That is some strange, wierd twist beyond words. It's like the creation of a reverse DNA spiral--a serious mutation.

The word "uni" is a cognate of "yoni". I think YoniVerse much more accurately describes where we come from and where we live. According to Barbara Walker, author of many books including the Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets,  Uni was an Etruscan name for "the Great Mother's holy trinity, a 'three-in-one' Goddess who gave birth to the uni-verse. She was represented by the sign of female genitals." (Walker, Women's Encyclopedia, p. 1027). All throughout both the Paleolithic and Neolithic, the symbol of the vulva is found the world over inscribed in rock art, emphasized and exaggerated in iconography, and formed into clay, ivory and bone talismans that were carried and/or worn. This gateway symbol of life and regeneration, the pubic V,  represented a continuous sacred living energy for thousands of years, informing the lives of our ancestors with a deep understanding, reverence and connection to the female reality of the cosmos--hardly a big bang. The systematic erasure of the truth of the female cosmos by patriarchy has created a logos-heavy reality that worships male self-importance as the supreme creative cosmic force. This all-consuming denial of our ancestors' wisdom has resulted in a hatred of women so heinous that global destruction in myriads of forms and rampant selfishness can be the only outcomes.

It is time for us to change our mythologies and reclaim the wisdom, truth, beauty and peace our ancestors have wanted us to know for a very long time.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pray The Devil Back To Hell

Have you seen this? If not, please see the trailer and find the movie! It is more than a movie. It is a  moment in time documented by women showing how women peacefully brought to its knees the forces, guns and violence of patriarchy in Liberia that never caught the eye of mainstream media. It is a tribute to the power of FemUnity in action. If you don't know the story of these a-mazing* women, I encourage you to let yourself be inspired by their courage, wisdom, heart, resolution and fearlessness. The power of women together in unity is something that the world has yet to fully behold, but these women--mothers, daughters, grandmothers, aunts, christian and muslim alike--with nearly nothing but a deeply shared sisterhood beyond any male religion to which they subscribed, brought peace to Liberia. They ousted the corrupt and violent government of Charles Taylor as well as worked with the rebels that conscripted boys to become equally violent soldiers on the side of the opposition. These boys were taught to rape and torture without conscience, including inflicting this horror on family members. These a-mazing women showed the boys another way, and they began to see that the women were their mothers. They gave up their guns and allowed themselves to be embraced by love.

Liberia is a small country on the coast of western Africa that has been beseiged by war ever since it was founded by freed American slaves in the mid 1800's whose dominating government lorded over the indigenous people. Hard to imagine that freed slaves would do such a thing, but they did. Patriarchy does not know any cultural bounds. The small country had been war-torn for so many years that the women decided they had had enough. And that was that. It had been unheard of that people of different "faiths" would group together, but if anyone could do it, it would be women because the true essence of woman does not belong to any patriarchal religion. They tapped into their true essence, and found each other. And then they founded the real Liberia and brought to power the first elected female African president, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who took office in January of 2006. This documentary makes it very clear that global patriarchy is an everyday cultural battlezone for women, and that there are serious gender differences in views about how humans need to conduct ourselves for the good of all that do exist no matter how much they are denied. Women are the givers and caretakers of life. Men are not. And they need to relearn, as did the conscripted boys, as aboriginal men do, to live by women's law.

*this spelling is Mary Daly's and refers to undoing the maze of patriarchy

Pray The Devil Back To Hell trailer

Saturday, January 8, 2011

What is FemUnity?

FemUnity is women's community. FemUnity is Sisterhood--you know, the hood where sisters hang out. Where is that hood? Well, it has been oppressed, depressed, suppressed, repressed, compressed and just generally pressed down into the smallest corners of our souls--but it is there! Most of us have no idea how "pressed" we are, and hard-pressed at that! Sisters are resilient. We are like that tender green shoot that finds its way up through concretized patriarchy--we are an unstoppable force because we are the very embodiment of the cosmos HerSelf.  We are that. We hear spiritual teachings say "you are that". Yep, we are, only their "that" is usually male defined, and male definitions do not fit Sisters in any way, shape or form. That is why we are being called to create our FemUnities, like the village in Northern Kenya, called Umoja, meaning "unity" in Swhahili (see Where Women Rule-Kenya These courageous women, recenly under attack by local jealous and very scared men, have created a thriving FemUnity for over ten years, helping each other and saving young girls from sexual slavery called "marriage". These women are peaceful, creative, and self-sustaining. Why are these men conpelled to inflict violence on them while the local authorities turn a blind eye? This kind of violence is perpetuated world-wide by men, and it continues. Why? Because it can. The stronger women become, creating our own space, the stronger communities will become. This does not mean that women must live apart from their male partners, if they choose. What it does mean is that we do what the late, great, genius, biophilic feminist philosopher and thealogian, Mary Daly, said--to separate from the separation created by patriarchy.

Many of us are confused about separation. People call women "separatists" if they don't want to live in a male defined world. So, ok. What's wrong with that? What Mary said is that being a separatist is really about reclaiming what is real and authentic, refusing to collude in the separation and dualism upon which patriarchy is founded. In other words, its about choosing an authentic, cosmically connected, female-centered, originally aboriginal life over domination, seapration and necrophilia.

Food for thought!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Who's Not Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

I'm  not! (Sorry for misspelling your name, Virginia, in my last post.) Many of us have grown up with this phrase "who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?" Elizabether Taylor and Richard Burton made it a household presence, though the movie completely missed the point. This is an example of the erasure of one woman's generous genius as well as an example of the general erasure of women in patriarchy overall, as evidenced by our floundering fathers' constitution of, by and for men, which as noted previously, WOMEN ARE STILL POINTING OUT IS COMPLETELY WRONG, while men continue to think we are engaged in a debate!! I think women need our own constitution, which would be part of a room of our own, a country of our own, a planet of our own, because Earth has currently been usurped by the real pms, the patriarchal mind set. On the other hand, if women were really free, we wouldn't need a constitution because we know what is right, intuitively, telepathically, naturally. Afterall, Mother bears don't  have a constitution that was created by the male bears, who often kill and eat their babies. We all know what Mother bears do. They fiercely and ferociously protect their babies. 

So, if you are not afraid of Virginia Woolf, then you must be a deeply creative woman in your own right, and, even if you are afraid of Virginia, you are still a deeply creative woman longing for a safe place to flower.  It is time for women to claim our space, even if the insane male "justices" are completely afraid of Virginia, and believe me, they surely are! It is time for women to shed the introjects (internalized patriarchal projections) of "not enough", "too sensitive",  "too big", "too small", and just generally, too much of this and not enough of that, as defined by the pms. And even that is an introject! We think we have pms, which has been projected onto us for so long that we now hold it in our bodies! Enough!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Why a blog of her own?

A blog of her own is like having a room of her own in cyberspace. Why is this important? Because if our species is to survive, women's voices need to be heard. Right now women are attempting once again to add the equal rights amendment to the constitution, here in 2011! According to Supreme Court "justice" Scalia, "person" in the the 14th amendment does not mean women, and therefore women are not equally protected by the constitution. My head spins at the complete insanity of this arrogant sexism. I wonder where Scalia thinks he came from.

Author Virginia Wolfe felt it was important for women to have a room of their own. What does this mean? Well, if we studied her writing in school to any degree, like we do men constantly from the time we can read and write, we would know that she meant women need our own space to be who we are, free from patriarchal conditioning. For Virginia, she valiantly tried, and felt she could not cope. Had she had sisterhood instead of crippling isolation in a male-dominated world, she would have been able to not only cope, but thrive.

This blog invites any and every woman to find a true reflection of herSelf that is wholy/holy femme, untainted by male conditioning, free from fear and open to the true ecstatic nature of the divine She that women are.